Sensor for quantitative analytical determination of sulphite in wine using a system of modified electrode and a membrane absorption system

R. Arce, M. J. Aguirre, J. Romero

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4 Citas (Scopus)


In this work we present the comparison among three glassy carbon electrodes modified by Co-porphyrin (CoTAPP), orthophenylendiamine (OPD), or both, simultaneously. This comparison shows the differences among their electrochemical behavior and their electrocatalytic behavior toward the oxidation of sulfite. In the case of the glassy carbon modified electrodes, the presence of the copolymer enhances the electrocatalytic performance of the modified electrodes in spite of the non-catalytic response (compared to the bare glassy carbon) of both homopolymersmodified electrodes toward the oxidation of sulfite. Also, the oxidation of sulfite extracted from red wine is showed. The copolymer-modified electrode is capable of oxidizing the extracted free sulfite in a 0.02 M NaOH solution. Through the addition of standards method, a concentration of 44 ppm for free sulfite is found in a Chilean red wine.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaChemical and Biological Sensors 11 -and- MEMS/NEMS 11
EditoresJ. Li, C. R. Kreller, A. Simonian, R. Stefan-van Staden, P. K. Sekhar, P. Vanysek, N. Wu, A. Khosla, Z. P. Aguilar, M. T. Carter, G. Hunter, P. J. Hesketh, L. Nagahara, B. Chin, S. Mitra
EditorialElectrochemical Society Inc.
Número de páginas6
ISBN (versión digital)9781623321819
EstadoPublicada - 1 ene. 2014
EventoSymposia on Chemical Sensors 11: Chemical and Biological Sensors and Analytical Systems and Microfabricated and Nanofabricated Systems for MEMS/NEMS 11 (Chemical and Biological Sensors) - 2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting - 226th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society - Cancun, México
Duración: 5 oct. 20149 oct. 2014

Serie de la publicación

NombreECS Transactions
ISSN (versión impresa)1938-5862
ISSN (versión digital)1938-6737


ConferenciaSymposia on Chemical Sensors 11: Chemical and Biological Sensors and Analytical Systems and Microfabricated and Nanofabricated Systems for MEMS/NEMS 11 (Chemical and Biological Sensors) - 2014 ECS and SMEQ Joint International Meeting - 226th Meeting of The Electrochemical Society

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