Readiness of the Student Community for Using Artificial Intelligence in Higher Education

María del Pilar Garcia-Chitiva, Danilo Valdes-Ramirez, Genaro Zavala, Patricia Vázquez-Villegas

Producción científica: Contribución a los tipos de informe/libroContribución a la conferenciarevisión exhaustiva


What challenges or opportunities exist when using artificial intelligence (AI) at the university? This work presents the experience lived in a Futurist Applications of AI in Education Workshop in which professionals from different educational levels, roles, and areas worked together to construct proposals to enhance the use of AI in higher education. As a parallel research process, a questionnaire was applied to inquire about the perceptions of the uses of AI and the personal and professional applications of managers, professors, students, and stakeholders. The results reflected a broad intention to understand, use, and implement AI to develop and strengthen the processes of access, teaching, and learning in higher education.

Idioma originalInglés
Título de la publicación alojadaHEAd 2024 - 10th International Conference on Higher Education Advances
EditorialUniversidad Politecnica de Valencia.
Número de páginas8
ISBN (versión digital)9788413962009
EstadoPublicada - 2024
Evento10th International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd 2024 - Valencia, Espana
Duración: 18 jun. 202421 jun. 2024

Serie de la publicación

NombreInternational Conference on Higher Education Advances
ISSN (versión digital)2603-5871


Conferencia10th International Conference on Higher Education Advances, HEAd 2024

Áreas temáticas de ASJC Scopus

  • Educación


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