Effectiveness of a physical activity intervention on the overweight and obesity of Chilean schoolchildren

Andrés Godoy-Cumillaf, Paola Fuentes-Merino, Frano Giakoni-Ramírez, Daniel Duclos-Bastías, Eugenio Merellano-Navarro

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Introduction: Physical fitness is considered a measure that integrates most of the functions of the human organism that are involved in physical activity. Motor competence is important due to its observed implications in the physical, mental and social development of children and adolescents. These assessments require the existence of updated reference values that allow the categorization of individuals and groups according to levels of physical fitness and motor competence. This paper describes the study protocol to Effectiveness of a Physical Activity Intervention on the Overweight and Obesity of Chilean Schoolchildren, and in this way determine, through the calculation of a representative sample, reference values for physical fitness and motor competence in children aged 4 to 6 years in the region of La Araucanía, Chile. Methods: children in pre-basic education in transition grades I and II (4 and 5 years old), and those in the first year of basic education (6 years old) will be invited to participate. The sample will be probabilistic. The measures of a randomized controlled trial (registered in ClinicalTrial.gov NCT04194580) will be used. Conclusion: the lack of reference values for physical condition and motor competence for children between 6 and 4 years of age in the Araucanía region highlights the need to establish values, which will contribute to improving the health of children of the age group to be worked on.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)E30908
JournalMedicine (United States)
Issue number39
Publication statusPublished - 30 Sept 2022


  • cardiorespiratory
  • flexibility
  • motor skills
  • muscular strength
  • speed-agility

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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