Patrick W. Wheeler
- University of Nottingham
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Faculty of Engineering
- School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- University of Notinghmam
- Universidad Andrés Bello
External person
Pericle Zanchetta
- University of Nottingham
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
External person
Marco Rivera
- Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria
- Universidad de Talca
- Universidad de Concepción
- Universidad de Talea
- Department of Industrial Technologies
- Departamento de Electronica
- Department of Electronics Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Electronics Engineering Department
- Department of Electronics Engineering
- University of Notinghmam
- Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico
- University of Nottingham
External person
Jon C. Clare
- University of Nottingham
- School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
External person
Alessandro Costabeber
- University of Nottingham
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- University of Padua
External person
T. Dragicevic
- Aalborg University
- Technical University of Denmark
- Universidad de los Andes Chile
- Technical University of Munich
External person
Linglin Chen
- University of Nottingham
- Guangdong University of Technology
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University
- Zhejiang University
External person
R. Cardenas
- Universidad de Magallanes
- Universidad de Santiago de Chile
- Universidad de Chile
- Universidad de O'Higgins
External person
G. Buticchi
- Kiel University
- University of Parma
- University of Nottingham Ningbo China
- Universidad Andrés Bello
External person
Doris Saez
- Universidad de Chile
- Universidad de O'Higgins
- Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE
- Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería (ISCI)
- Instituto Sistemas Complejos de Ingeniería
External person
C. Baier
- Universidad de Talca
- Universidad de Concepción
- Department of Electrical Engineering
External person
Mokhtar Aly
- Aswan University
- Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria
- Universidad San Sebastián
- Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
External person
Tao Yang
- University of Nottingham
- University of Notinghmam
- Central South University of Forestry & Technology
External person
Felipe Núñez
- Fundación Instituto Leloir
- Universidad de Concepción
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
External person
Marcelo A. Perez
- Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria
- Technical University
- Valparaiso Center of Technology
- Universidad T́cnica Federico Santa María
- University of Concepión
- Universidad de Concepción
- Universidad Tcnica Federico Santa Mara
- University of Minnesota Twin Cities
- Departamento de Electronica
- Department of Electronics Engineering
- Departamento de Ingenieria Eléctrica
- Department of Electronics Engineering
- Universidad de Talca
- Clínica MEDS
External person
Venkata Yaramasu
- Northern Arizona University
- Toronto Metropolitan University
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Dep. of Electrical and Computer Eng.
- Aswan University
External person
Claudio Burgos
- University of Nottingham
- Universidad Internacional Iberoamericana de México
- Hospital Carlos Van Buren
External person
Ricardo Aguilera
- University of Newcastle
- Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria
- School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
- University of Technology Sydney
- CSIC - Institute of Space Sciences
External person
Mahdi S. Mousavi
- Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
- Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
- Teacher Training University
External person
Yongchang Zhang
- North China University of Technology
- North China Electric Power University
- ABB System Drives
External person
Bin Wu
- Toronto Metropolitan University
- University of Toronto
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- Department of Electrical Engineering
- Dep. of Electrical and Computer Eng.
External person
Fengxiang Wang
- Technical University of Munich
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Quanzhou Institute of Equipment Manufacturing
- Department of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics
- Faculty of Electronics and Informatics
- Haixi Institutes Chinese Academy of Science
- Fuzhou University
- Laboratory of Modern Motor Control and Power Electronics
External person
Davood Arab Khaburi
- Iran University of Science and Technology
- Center of Excellence for Power Systems Automation and Operation
- Center of Excellence for Power System Automation
External person
J. Munoz
- Universidad de Talca
- Universidad de Concepción
- Department of Electrical Engineering
External person
P. Zanchetta
- University of Nottingham
- Texas A&M University at Qatar
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
- University of Pavia
External person
Ralph M. Kennel
- Technical University of Munich
- Elektrische Antriebssysteme und Leistungselektronik
- Department of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics
- Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
- Chinese Academy of Sciences
- ABB System Drives
External person
A. Bellini
- Space Telescope Science Institute
- University of Padua
- Dipartimento di Astronomia
- University of Rome Tor Vergata
External person
Francisco Morales
- Universidad de Chile
- Advanced Center for Chronic Diseases (ACCDiS)
- Universidad de Talca
External person
Felipe Ruiz
- Universidad Tecnológica de Chile
- Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria
- Universidad San Sebastián
External person
Wei Xu
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- North China Electric Power University
External person
Claudio Burgos-Mellado
- University of Nottingham
- Universidad de O'Higgins
- Universidad de Chile
External person
Rodrigo Aguilar
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- FONDAP Center for Genome RegulationSantiagoChile
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- Center for Biomedical Research
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- FONDAP-Center of Genome Regulation (CGR)
- Harvard University
External person
Cristian Castillo
- Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria
- Universidad Arturo Prat
- Universidad de Talca Curico
External person
Majid Akbari Nodehi
- Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
- Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
- Teacher Training University
External person
V. Yaramasu
- Toronto Metropolitan University
- University of Toronto
- Northern Arizona University
- Aswan University
- Northern Arizona University
- Universidad Andrés Bello
External person
Quanxue Guan
- University of Nottingham
- Guangdong University of Technology
- Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
External person
F. Wang
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
- Dept. of Physics
- University of Wisconsin
- CAS - Fujian Institute of Research on the Structure of Matter
- Purdue University
External person
Kehan Zhang
- Northwestern Polytechnical University Xian
- CAS - Institute of High Energy Physics
External person
Saeed Lotfollahzadegan
- Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
- Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University
External person
Fernando A. Auat Cheein
- Heriot-Watt University
- Universidad Técnica Federico Santa Maria
- Harper Adams University
External person
Mahmoud Fouad Elmorshedy
- Huazhong University of Science and Technology
- Tanta University
- Faculty of Engineering
External person