Brigitte Adriana Van Zundert
Person: Active Researcher, Academic
Rodrigo Agustín Aguilar Maureira
Person: Active Researcher, Academic
Lorena Patricia Varela Nallar
Person: Active Researcher, Academic
Jimmy Run Stehberg Liberman
Person: Active Researcher, Academic
Francisca Verónica Bronfman Cáceres
Person: Active Researcher, Academic
Berta Henriquez
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Universidad de Concepción
- Center for Biomedical Research
- Departamento de Bioquimica y Biologia Molecular
- Faculty of Science
- Universidad San Sebastián
External person
Sebastian Abarzua
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Center for Biomedical Research
- Laboratorio de Biología y Fisiopatología Molecular
- CARE Chile UC
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
External person
Nur Jury
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Center for Biomedical Research
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
External person
Maria Florencia Tevy
- Centro de Genómica y BioinformáticaFacultad de CienciasUniversidad MayorSantiagoChile
- Universidad Mayor
- Centro de Genómica y Bioinformática
- Universidad de Chile
- Universidad de Atacama
External person
Rachael L. Neve
- Harvard University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Department of Psychiatry
- Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
External person
Henny Haensgen
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy
- Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
External person
Estibaliz Ampuero
- Universidad de los Andes Chile
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Laboratorio de Neurociencias
- Center for Biomedical Research
- Universidad Autónoma de Chile
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Instituto de Ciencias Biomédicas
- Universidad de Santiago de Chile
External person
Pablo Martinez
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Universidad de Chile
- Universidad de Santiago de Chile
- Center for Biomedical Research
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
External person
Muriel D. Mardones
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Center for Biomedical Research
- Institute of Biomedical Sciences (ICB)
External person
Miguel L. Allende
- Universidad de Chile
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- Universidad Diego Portales
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Center for Genome Regulation
- Millenium Nucleus in Developmental Biology
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- Departamento de Biologia
- Center for Genomics of the Cell
- Laboratory of Developmental Biology
- Millennium Nuclues in Devmtl. Biol.
- Fondo de Areas Prioritarias Center for Genome Regulation
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- Millennium Institute Center for Genome Regulation
- Ministerio de Planificación, Chile
External person
Rodrigo Ibarra-Karmy
- Universidad de Chile
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas
External person
Adriana Rojas
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Universidad de Chile
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- Center for Biomedical Research
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- Universidad Javeriana
External person
Andre van Wijnen
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Mayo Clinic Rochester, MN
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Universidad de Concepción
- Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- Department of Cell Biology
- Department of Cell Biology and Cancer Center
- Department of Cell Biology
- Physiology & Biomedical Engineering
- Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
- Departments of Orthopedic Surgery
- Department of Cell Biology
- Departments of Orthopedic Surgery and Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
- University of Vermont
- Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
External person
Swarna Pandian
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- University of Coimbra
- University of Lisbon
External person
Fen Biao Gao
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- University of Massachusetts Boston
External person
Nibaldo C. Inestrosa
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- University of New South Wales
- Universidad de Magallanes
- Laboratory of Neurophysiology, Santiago
- Catholic University
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Center for Cell Regulation and Pathology
- Centro FONDAP-Biomedicina
- Ctro. Reg. Cel./Patol. J. V. Luco
- Department of Cell Biology
- Centro de Excelencia en Biomedicina de Magallanes (CEBIMA)
- Centro UC Síndrome de Down
- Centre for Healthy Brain Ageing
- Centro de Regulación Celular y Patología (CRCP)
- Ctro. Regulacion Celulary Patol. D.
- Millenium Institute for Fundamental and Applied Biology
- Centro de Regulación Celular Y Patología Joaquín V. Luco
- Centro de envejecimiento y regeneración (CARE)
- Ctro. FONDAP Regulacion Cel. Y P.
- Molecular Neurobiology Unit
- Center for Healthy Brain Ageing
- CARE Biomedical Research Center
- Centro de Investigaciones Biomédicas
- Center for Aging and Regeneration (CARE)
- Ministerio de Planificación, Chile
External person
Sandra Almeida
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- University of Massachusetts Boston
External person
Alvaro Becerra
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy
- Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins
- Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas
- Laboratorio de Biología y Fisiopatología Molecular
- Laboratorio de Fisiopatologia Integrativa
- Departamento de Ciencias Biologicas
- Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas
External person
Ricardo Armisén
- Universidad de Chile
- Centro de Investigacion y Tratamiento del Cancer
- Center for Excellence in Precision Medicine Pfizer
- Center for Excellence in Precision Medicine
- Center of Excellence in Precision Medicine
- Centro de Investigación y Tratamiento Del Cáncer
- Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas
- Centro de Investigación y Tratamiento del Cancer
- Universidad del Desarrollo
External person
Carlos Opazo
- Universidad de Concepción
- University of Melbourne
- The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Oxidation Biology Laboratory
- Faculty of Biological Sciences
- Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
External person
Danna Morales
- Universidad de Chile
- Programa de Fisiopatología
- Millennium Nucleus of Ion Channels-Associated Diseases (MiNICAD)
- Millennium Nucleus of Ion Channels-Associated Diseases (MiNICAD)
- Ministerio de Planificación, Chile
External person
Vicente Valenzuela
- Universidad de Chile
- Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism
- Biomedical Neuroscience Institute
- Program of Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Brain Health and Metabolism
External person
Robert J. Gifford
- University of Glasgow
- MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research
External person
Rodolfo Madrid
- Universidad de Santiago de Chile
- Departamento de Biología
- Millennium Nucleus of Ion Channels-Associated Diseases (MiNICAD)
- Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Pain
- Millennium Nucleus of Ion Channels-Associated Diseases (MiNICAD)
- Ministerio de Planificación, Chile
External person
Gary S. Stein
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- University of Vermont
- Department of Cell Biology
- Department of Cell Biology
- Department of Biochemistry
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Universidad de Concepción
External person
Johnny Salameh
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Edith Cowan University
- University of Massachusetts Boston
External person
Miguel V. Guerra
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Center for Biomedical Research
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
External person
Alfredo Sagredo
- Universidad de Chile
- Centro de Investigación y Tratamiento del Cancer
- Centro de Estudios Moleculares de la Celula
- Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción
External person
L. García
- University of Valencia
- Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
- Universidad Andrés Bello
External person
Fernando Valiente-Echeverría
- Universidad de Chile
- Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy
- Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy
- Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy
- Ministerio de Planificación, Chile
External person
Berta Henríquez
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Universidad San Sebastián
- Universidad de Concepción
External person
Rene L. Vidal
- Universidad de Chile
- Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism
- Neurounion Biomedical Foundation
External person
Jorge Toledo
- Universidad de los Andes Chile
- National Center for Health Information Systems CENS
- Universidad de Chile
- Anatomy and Developmental Biology
- Universidad de Concepción
External person
Miguel Sena-Esteves
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Department of Neurology and Horae Gene Therapy Center
External person
Maria Pertusa
- Millennium Nucleus of Ion Channels-Associated Diseases (MiNICAD)
- Millennium Nucleus for the Study of Pain
- Universidad de Santiago de Chile
- Millennium Nucleus of Ion Channels-Associated Diseases (MiNICAD)
- Ministerio de Planificación, Chile
External person
Aracelly Gaete-Argel
- Universidad de Chile
- Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy
- Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy
- Ministerio de Planificación, Chile
External person
Oscar M. Lazo
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Center for Aging and Regeneration (CARE)
- University College London
External person
Juan C. Sáez
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Universidad de Valparaíso
- Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencias de Valparaíso
- Centro Interdiciplinario de Neurociencias de Valparaíso
- Facultad de Ciencias
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Pontificia Universidad
- Departmento de Fisiologia
- Depto. de Cie. Fisiológicas
- Depto. de Cie. Fisiológicas
- Instituto Milenio
- Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencia de Valparaíso
- Laboratorio de Conexinas y Panexinas
- Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencias de Valparaíso (CINV)
- Centro Interdisciplinario de Neurociencias de Valparaíso
External person
Julia Kzhyshkowska
- Heidelberg University
- Institute of Transfusion Medicine and Immunology
External person
Ursula Wyneken
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Universidad de los Andes Chile
- Laboratorio de Bioquimica
External person
Adriana P. Rojas
- Universidad Javeriana
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- Universidad de Chile
External person
Jane B. Lian
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- University of Vermont
- Universidad de Concepción
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Department of Cell Biology
- Department of Cell Biology and Cancer Center
- Department of Cell Biology
- Department of Cell Biology
- Department of Cell Biology
- Department of Biochemistry and Vermont Cancer Center
- Department of Biochemistry
External person
Luis G. Aguayo
- Universidad de Concepción
- Laboratory of Neurophysiology, Santiago
- Laboratorio de Neurofisiología
- Departamento de Fisiología
- Department of Physiology
External person
Soledad Matus
- Neurounion Biomedical Foundation
- Universidad de Chile
- Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism
- Biomedical Neuroscience Institute (BNI)
External person
Steffen Härtel
- Universidad de Chile
- National Center for Health Information Systems CENS
External person
Hugo Sepúlveda
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- FONDAP Center for Genome RegulationSantiagoChile
- Universidad de Concepción
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- Center for Biomedical Research
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- Gene Regulation Laboratory
External person
Karen Jaramillo
- FONDAP Center for Genome RegulationSantiagoChile
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- Center for Biomedical Research
External person
Paloma Gonzalez-Perez
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- University of Massachusetts Boston
External person
Janet L. Stein
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- University of Vermont
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Universidad de Concepción
- Department of Cell Biology and Cancer Center
- Department of Cell Biology
- Department of Cell Biology
- Department of Cell Biology
- Department of Biochemistry and Vermont Cancer Center
- Department of Cell Biology
- Department of Biochemistry
External person
Rodrigo Gutiérrez
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Michigan State University
- Millennium Nucleus Center for Plant Systems and Synthetic Biology
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- Departamento de Genética Molecular y Microbiología
- Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation (CGR)
- FONDAP-Center of Genome Regulation (CGR)
- Fondo de Areas Prioritarias Center for Genome Regulation
- Center for Genome Regulation
- Millennium Institute for Integrative Systems and Synthetic Biology (MIISSB)
- ANID – Millennium Science Initiative Program – Millennium Institute for Integrative Biology (iBio)
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- Millennium Nucleus Center for Plant Functional Genomics
- Millennium Institute for Integrative Biology (iBio)
- Fondo de Desarrollo de Areas Prioritarias
- Ministerio de Planificación, Chile
- Bielefeld University
- Millennium Institute Center for Genome Regulation
- ANID – Millennium Institute for Integrative Biology (iBio)
- Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad
- Millennium Institute Center for Genome Regulation (CRG)
External person
Guillermo Moya-Alvarado
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Johns Hopkins University
- Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins
External person
Andrea Carolina Ramírez
- Universidad Javeriana
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Universidad Andrés Bello
External person
Miguel L. Concha
- Universidad de Chile
- Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism
External person
Feng Zhang
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Broad Institute
- Howard Hughes Medical Institute
External person
Diego Varela
- Universidad de Chile
- Centro FONDAP de Estudios Moleculares de la Célula (CEMC)
- University of Calgary
- Millennium Nucleus of Ion Channels-Associated Diseases (MiNICAD)
- Instituto de Ciencias Biomedicas
- Centro de Estudios Moleculares de la Celula
- Programa de Fisiopatología
- Laboratorio de Fisiopatología Molecular
- Biomedical Neuroscience Institute
- Millennium Nucleus of Ion Channels-Associated Diseases (MiNICAD)
- Ministerio de Planificación, Chile
External person
Rodrigo Lopez-Gonzalez
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- University of Liverpool
- University of Massachusetts Boston
External person
Jaclyn Lata
- University of Massachusetts Medical School
- Department of Neurology and Horae Gene Therapy Center
External person
Paula Cubillos
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Center for Biomedical Research
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
External person
Cristian Arredondo
- Universidad de Chile
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
External person
Agnieszka Dyrda
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Wrocław University of Science and Technology
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
External person
Tatiana Opazo
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Laboratorio de Biología y Fisiopatología Molecular
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
External person
Danilo B. Medinas
- Universidad de Chile
- Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism
- Brain Health and Metabolism
External person
Luis Mercado
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
- Laboratorio de Genética e Inmunología Molecular
External person
Enrique Jaimovich
- Universidad de Chile
- Centro de Estudios Científicos (CECS)
- Biomedical Neuroscience Institute
- Institute of Biomedical Sciences
External person
Claudio Hetz
- Universidad de Chile
- Neurounion Biomedical Foundation
- Harvard University
- Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism
- Buck Institute for Age Research
External person
Patricio Tapia
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
External person
Natalia Muñoz
- Universidad de Chile
- Geroscience Center for Brain Health and Metabolism
- Neurounion Biomedical Foundation
- Brain Health and Metabolism
External person
Fabiola Rojas
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Universidad de Concepción
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
- Center for Biomedical Research
- FONDAP Center for Genome Regulation
External person
Marco Fuenzalida
- Universidad de Valparaíso
- Centro de Neurobiología y Plasticidad Cerebral
External person
Elsa Fritz
- Universidad Andrés Bello
- Universidad de Concepción
- Center for Biomedical Research
- Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
External person